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How to make a healthy version chicken Caesar salad



Chicken Ceaser Salad INGREDIENTS


(1)Romaine lettuces (cut into large chunks).

(2) Chicken breast ( pan seared and cut into thick long strips )

(3) Cherry tomatoes (cut in wedges)

(4) Hard boiled eggs ( cut in to wedges)

(5) Croutons ( bread cut into small thick cubes and toasted)

(6) Parmesan cheese ( handful grated )

(7) 1tsp grated ginger

(8) 1/2 tbsp grated garlic

(9) 2 tbsp unsalted butter

(10) 1/2 tsp crushed pepper corn

How to make a healthy version chicken Caesar salad


1 whole lemon juice
1 tbsp honey
1/2 tsp olive oil
1tsp apple cider


(1) Wash and pat the lettuce dry or use a salad spinner.

(2) Cut the lettuce into large chunks.

(3) Wash the chicken breast and clean it dry with a kitchen towel, then season it with salt, black pepper,ginger and garlic.

(4) On a medium high heat, into a dry fry pan add some unsalted butter and once it gets hot add the chicken breast and pan sear 3mins on both sides then set aside to cool

(5) Cook the egg until it overdone, cool, peal off the shells and cut into wedges

6) Cut the bread into small cubes drizzle some olive oil and toast in a pan until it’s golden brown.

7) Assemble the salad in a bowl plate starting with the lettuce at the base and every other things on top.

How to make a healthy version chicken Caesar salad


1) Squeeze the lemon into a glass cup or a shaker, add all the other ingredients and mix or shake thoroughly until everything is well emulsified then drizzle the dressing in the salad and enjoy.

How to make a healthy version chicken Caesar salad


For more recipes and restaurant consultations connect with @Chefclassic on Instagram.

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