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“Stop Threatening Me”- Transgender Deevaaah tells Bobrisky



A transgender named, Buchi Alexandra popularly called Deevaaah, has called out Bobrisky, alleging that the cross dresser keeps on sending her threat messages.




The self acclaimed most beautiful trans girl in Nigeria has been having clashes with Bobrisky, in a recent argument, she told the Bobrisky he can never be a woman like her.

The transgender told Bobrisky to stop threatening him. Deevaaah wondered why Bobrisky is always at loggerheads with everyone, he further told Bobrisky to always check himself because he his always the one at fault whenever he is having issues with people. According to him, the cross dresser has money and fame so he sees no reason he will feel threatened by people.




Earlier on, the transgender accused Bobrisky of spoiling the image of the transgender community.


She wrote,

“My name is Deevaah and I’m a trans girl in Nigeria. We actually exist. Yes I’m a transgender and not a crossdresser. And I can only blame one person for that misconception which is Idris. Yes Bobrisky I’m calling you cause you’re the architect of all the problems we have here in Nigeria.

“You are a brand, yes. Do your thing and stop making all of us look bad and look like retards. Please receive sense Idris. If you don’t know what to do, don’t come and stand in front of the camera. That misconception about the transgender community is very wrong and I’ve had it up to my neck. Someone needs to speak up.”


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