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Neo Replies A Fan Who Told Him Beauty Is Lucky To Date Him (DETAIL)



It is already in the news that Beauty Tukura and Neo Akpofure, former housemates on BBNaija, are  officially dating.

A social media user dropped a comment referring to the reality tv star; Neo Akpofure, reminding him that beauty is a lucky person to have him as a partner.


Neo replied the user saying;

“@alwange we are both lucky to have each other ❤️

See the screenshot below…



MOMEDIA recalled that Neo Akpofure took part in both BBNaija 2020, also known as the lockdown edition, and BBN 2023 All Stars editionin 2023.

While Beauty Tukura competed in the BBNaija 2022 edition.

Beauty Tukura and Neo have been rumoured to be dating for more than a year, having been sighted together at exhibitions and other events.

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