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Why My Wife Knows I Can Never Ch£at On Her- Mercy Chinwo’s Husband Gives Reasons (VIDEO)



Pastor Blessed Uzochikwa, husband to Mercy Chinwo has opened up about their courtship days. Mercy Chinwo’s husband revealed they didn’t stain their garment while dating, which is the major reason they trust themselves so much today.


Why My Wife Knows I Can Never Ch£at On Her- Mercy Chinwo's Husband Gives Reasons (VIDEO)


In his words:

“My wife trust me because of the way we carried ourselves in courtship.

Never lose or stain your priestly garment in courtship. It is very important. Most of the issues in marriage today is because they stained their priestly garments in courtship, so that reverence is no longer there. My wife can be anywhere in the world and she will tell you she isn’t bothered, that’s because of how we carried ourselves in courtship.”



Few weeks ago, Nollywood actress Hilda Dokubo dragged Nigerian gospel singer; Mercy Chinwo, for disappointing her former record label, after a music producer lamented in a video that went viral.


Hilda Dokubo

Days after the call-out, Dokunbo posted a scathing remark about Chinwo. According to her, the person who bites the finger that fed them would consume blood as a meal.

Mercy Chinwo

She posted Chinwo’s 2018 birthday post on Eezee Tee, in which she wished him a happy birthday.

Also in the description of her picture, the actress, who ran for office last year, stated that many people believe they know individuals until they get fame and money.

Hilda shared her post with a caption; “You might think that you know someone until you give them the opportunity to earn power, fame and fortune. ALL WHO BITES THE FINGER THAT FEEDS THEM MUST HAVE BLOOD IN THEIR MEAL.”

Mercy chinwo hilda dokubo

Netizens react to the post below….

@motherhen_393: “Mercy is a every greedy person those inside gospel music industry can attest to this she wants to shine alone.”

@ify0406: “Been waiting for you to talk because I know you know all.’

@sarahelegant_: “Ma’am, you’re dragging the wrong person. Mercy isn’t the one dragging eezee . That dude on honest bunch is. Making this post isn’t right at all and it’s very disappointing.”

@edaknosakhare: “The funny thing is she has not called out this guy for once, neither has he called out Mercy. They have both acted well and I have been proud of them so far.”

@mayorlopez_01: “Am I the only one that doesn’t understand what is happening? Happy birthday senior, weyin dey there? Anything wrong with the message?”

@_walker.daniel: “But she has completed her contract with him nah, watin Una want from her again.’

@etimaebere: “No weapon formed against mercy shall prosper.”

@elmappetis.o: “I wouldn’t say anything because none of us know the truth of what happened.’

See the video below…



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