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“Lord, I Thank You For Everything”- Actress Ngozi Nzeonu Glorifies God As She Celebrates 59th Birthday



Nollywood veteran actress, Ngozi Ezeonu is celebrating her 59th birthday today.


"Lord, I Thank You For Everything"- Actress Ngozi Nzeonu Glorifies God As She Celebrates 59th Birthday

The beautiful actress wrote on her instagram page:

Lord I thank you for everything.
I will never take your love for granted.
Happy birthday to me

"Lord, I Thank You For Everything"- Actress Ngozi Nzeonu Glorifies God As She Celebrates 59th Birthday

Her industry daughter, Ngozi Nzeonu wrote:

Thank you for being you, Mom. …
Happy birthday to the queen of my heart. …
You are the most caring person I’ve ever known. …
I’m forever grateful you’re my mom. …
I love you more with every passing year. …
Happy, happy, happy, happy birthday!
Thank you for your unconditional love, endless patience, and incredible guidance. …
I never take for granted all that you have done to make my life and the lives of others better. …
You’ve always been my biggest supporter. …
I’m so proud to call you my mom.
It’s your enduring love that I think of when I’m feeling down. …
I will never know what I did to be blessed with such an incredible mom. …
There isn’t a person on the planet that means more to me than you. …
You always know what to say to brighten even my darkest days.


Ngozi Ezeonu (Ngozi Ikpelue, born May 23, 1965) is a veteran Nigerian actress and former journalist notable for her portrayal of archetypal matriarchs in Nollywood movies.

In 2012, she starred in Adesuwa, a role that earned her the Best Supporting Actress nomination at the 8th Africa Movie Academy Awards

A native of Ogbunike in Anambra State, Nigeria. Ezeonu was born in Owerri to Dennis and Ezenwanyi Ikpelue, and has six siblings. Prior to finding fame as an actress, she studied Journalism at the Nigerian Institute of Journalism and worked for Radio Lagos and Eko FM.

Although best known for her maternal roles, Ezeonu was originally cast as younger characters at the start of her acting career. In 1993, veteran film director Zeb Ejiro offered Ezeonu a supporting role as Nkechi, the antagonist’s best friend in the Igbo blockbuster Nneka the Pretty Serpent in 1994. This was followed by her role in Glamour Girls the same year as Thelma, a high society mistress.

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