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“How I Discovered That My Family Members Only Want Me For My Money — Man Shares His Experience



A young man has shared his experience on how he found out that his family members only wanted him for his money.

An X user identified as @iamabode took to social media to share his experience with his family and how he realized that his family members only wanted him because of his money, after he got suspended from his place of work.

Sharing his experience, the X user wrote:

“I got suspended from work because of done fr#ud issue that happened.

I decided to go home and be with my family that time. I jokingly lied to my mother and siblings that I got fired. The treatment towards me changed immediately; they started disrespecting me.

My mother even told me that she couldn’t take care of an adult and that I should go hustle. My sister treated me like I was their junior, and I am the firstborn.

My suspension took three months. In the end, I was cleared and I am back at work. I told my family I was returning to Lagos to stay with a friend. These are the people that I have been taking care of since I started working at the age of 21. They sleep in a house I built. My other sister has a diploma I paid for.

It took my suspension to finally see that they only want me when I provide something ”

"How I Discovered That My Family Members Only Want Me For My Money — Man Shares His Experience

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