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“Why I Travelled To London Before Bella & How I Lost Our Cartier Bracelet”- BBN Sheggz Gives Details (VIDEO)



Reality TV star, Segun Olusemo, popularly known as Sheggz has revealed the reason why he didn’t wait for his lover, Bella Okagbue before returning to London alone. Recall that Bella joined him in London, a week after he returned.

Bella and sheggz in London

Sheggz told his fans in a TikTok live session, that his trip to London wasn’t planned, he left suddenly, and at that time, Bella had applied for a Turkish visa, so her passport wasn’t with her. She had to retrieve her passport, and join him in London, after news of the earthquake in Turkey.

Speaking about losing the bracelet they bought together, Sheggz said he lost it at a car shop, where he went to purchase a new car.

See the video below:


In other news, Reality TV star, Bella Okagbue has finally replied trolls who have constantly mocked her on Social Media for not knowing how to cook, after her participation in the show, Big Brother Naija.

Bella tweeted some hours ago, that cooking does not keep a home, also there’s no price for suffering.

She also added that she can cook but doesn’t like to cook.

In her words:

Cooking does not keep a home. You that have been cooking, Howfar? I’m all about soft life, I don’t like stress or see the need to stress. I work so hard to be able to make life easier for myself.

Any small thing, Bella can’t cook, Bella learn how to cook, Bella cooking keeps a home blah blah blah. I really don’t know where you guys got this. I’m a good cook that just doesn’t like cooking. As long as the people that should complain, don’t mind. Please spare me the yarns

Ask me what I add to my stew and I will lecture you 🙄☺️😉 it’s not about doing house chores 😛. There’s no award for who suffer pass.
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