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“He wasn’t a thug when he was paying your kids’ school fees and bills.” Dayo Amusa drags Iyabo Ojo and calls her a ‘ingrate.’



Dayo Amusa, a Nollywood actress, has slammed her colleague Iyabo Ojo for her support for Peter Obi.

Iyabo Ojo won the hearts of many when she declared her love and support for Labour Party presidential candidate, Peter Obi.

This has cause a rift between her and MC Oluomo, who is a staunch supporter and godson of Tinubu.

Calling Iyabo Ojo a bloody ingrate, Dayo Amusa listed the numerous good deeds MC Oluomo did for her, some of which are, paying her children’s school fees, house mortgage, house rent, kids’ party bills among others.

And now the actress is referring to him as a thug.

“When he dey pay your children’s school fees, e no be thug.

When he dey pay your children’s birthday party bills, he no be thug!!

When he dey pay your house rent, he no be thug!!

When he dey sponsor your fight tickets, he no be thug!!

When he dey lodge you and your children for hotel for weeks when depression wan kill you, he no be thug!!

When he dey pay your new house mortgage, he no be thug!!


Though, Dayo Amusa didn’t mention name, many decided that the Yoruba actress was referring to Iyabo Ojo.





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