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“Why I Gifted My First Boyfriend A Mercedes Benz”- Queen Mercy Atang Reveals



Reality tv star and brand influencer, Queen Mercy Atang has splashed millions of naira as she gifts her younger brother , whom she calls her first boyfriend, a Mercedes benz.


Queen mercy Atang gifts her brother car

On her Instagram page, the reality tv star thanked her brother for always supporting her, being her manager for years now, without any issues.


She shared photos of the Mercedes Benz on her Instagram page.

Captioning the photos she wrote;

Where do start from? “.

“The story is quite lengthy but I will keep it short”.

“You’ve been so helpful with everything and anything that concerns me”.

“You’ve put so much effort in building all my brands with me without asking for anything in return.
If I had employed someone else for the post of a manager, i am sure it would had been a tug of war”.

“During this year’s BBN reunion show, i saw all the efforts you put in to get me to the show and take me back home no matter how later it was till the last day of the show”.

“The way you make sure everything is always in place for your sister, amazes me”.

“I have always wanted to return this favour and appreciate all your efforts”.

“I want to thank you for not just being my brother but my personal manger, my friend, my gist partner, my confidant and my everything”.

“I love you so much baby bro”.

” May God bless you for me my first boyfriend❤️”.

“Pls accept this little gift from me @obongofficial
your first car gift🚘😘❤️❤️”.

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