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#bbnaija Pere Reveals The Amount Of Dollars He Spent In Getting His Teeth Done (VIDEO)



Big brother naija shine ya eye finalist, Pere Egbi has revealed he spent 10,000 dollars, which is equivalent to 5 million naira, in getting his teeth done.


Watch the VIDEO below:





In other news, Winner of the BBNaija Shine ya eye season 6, Hazel Oyeze Onou popularly  known as Whitemoney has revealed that so many ladies have been asking him to date them.


In a Live Interview with a radio station, Whitemoney said;

“My singleness is now worse since I got out of the house because every woman now tells me, ‘Oh Whitemoney, you know I’ve been there for you. So if there’s love in the market, I’ll buy it. I have been single since 2015, and I’ve never had a girlfriend or any serious relationship since then. My time on the Big Brother Naija show helped me learn how to talk to and know women more and better.”



He also said that cooking was part of his Lifestyle and also a strategy in the house, as he rated his cooking in the house 80% of his lifestyle while his Strategy was 20%

His words;

It was 80% lifestyle and 20% strategy. 80% lifestyle in the sense that the kitchen, washing the dishes and everything is what I literally do. The strategy comes in the sense that this was my strength.”



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