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“No matter how you twist it, Oby Ezekwesili does not have a beaut!ful face” – Reno Omokri says



Controversial human right activist and author, Reno Omokri has stated in  his Instagram page that Oby Ezekwesili doesn’t have a fine face.


"No matter how you twist it, Oby Ezekwesili does not have a beautiful face” – Reno Omokri says

Reno Omokri made this known while responding to a follower’s enquiry on his social media post.

Reno had said that a man doesn’t need a praying wife, but rather one who can pray, slay, and stay. He stated that a lady can be instructed to pray, but that beauty cannot be learned; it is either present or absent.

"No matter how you twist it, Oby Ezekwesili does not have a beautiful face” – Reno Omokri says

A follower disagreed, claiming that both prayer and slaying can be learned.


See screenshot below:


"No matter how you twist it, Oby Ezekwesili does not have a beautiful face” – Reno Omokri says

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