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Court Sentences Kill€r Of Enugu Make-up Artist to D€ath By Hang!ng



A high court in sitting in Enugu state, has sentenced a lady to de@th by hanging for k!lling a 27 years old make up artist

On Wednesday, 7th February 2024, a high court sitting in Enugu sentenced a Nigerian lady identified as Chiamaka Ifueze has been sentenced to de@th by hanging for the murd£r of a 27 years old make-up artist, identified as Ijeoma, Nweke.

The court which was judged by Honorable Justice Okpe in a session which lasted for 2-hoirs, found the accused, Chiamaka Ifueze guilty for the murd£r of the victim, Ijeoma Nweke.

Chiamaka was found guilty of k!lling Ijeoma Nweke by for¢ing her to drink a po!sonous substance.

Source: Instablog

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