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“My father gave me 2 British degrees, something that you and your generation can never achieve…” – Korra Obidi’s Sister, Nancy Umeh Throws H0t Sh@de At Justin Dean (VIDEO)



A viral video is causing stirs across social media as Korra Obidi’s Sister, Nancy Umeh leaves hot messages as she responds to her ex in-law.

Nancy Umeh

Nancy Umeh

In a new development, Nancy Umeh shared a video of herself bragging about what her father had done for her so far. She stated that her father gave her two british degrees. Also, that he was able to kill mosquitoes with his full chest for his children, because be made a vow to her mother before she died, he will never allow anything happen to his girls and his boys. She further expressed that despite her father arriving his retirement, he still made sure his brother acquire a Canadian degree.

Justin Dean

Justin Dean

Nancy Umeh in the video, was going hotter with her words as she kept asking if this what Justin can achieve despite looking down on her father.

In an earlier report, Justin Dean called out his ex-wife, Korra Obidi for scamming her fans with a GoFundMe account, after she claimed to be in need.

Justin also revealed that Korra needs only $5000 not $55,000 she received, after she called on her online community members, seeking for their monetary support to provide her legal fees to fight Justin in court.

Korra’s ex-husband had sued her for posting videos and images of their daughters on her social media page.

Justin stated that he did not want their facesonline, especially associated with the kind of content she shares.

Korra then reached out to her fans who donated a whopping sum of $55,000 for her legal fees.

Justin insists that she scammed her followers of their hard earned money, revealing that she bought 2 cars and 2 houses over the last two years.

Watch Nancy Umeh speak below…

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