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I was in so much p@in, so down and smoking a lot when I wrote Soso — Omah Lay opens up in new interview (VIDEO)



Singer, Omah Lay has opened up in a recent interview about what inspired his hit song ‘SOSO’. According to the singer, the period he wrote SOSO, was a dark time in his life, where he was in so much pain, depressed and abusing substance. He stated that he smoked so much that period, and all these influenced the lyrics of SOSO.

Singer, Omah Lay has opened up in a recent interview about what inspired his hit song 'SOSO'. According to the singer, the period he wrote SOSO, was a dark time in his life, where he was in so much pain, depressed and

See video below:


In other news, Popular Twitter Influencer, Daniel Regha has slammed Asake for his song, Yoga.


In his latest tweet, Daniel said that Asake latest song , Yoga was lyrically pointless stating that the music video glorifies evil spirit.


He also used Omah lay as a case study stating that Asake repeated what Omah lay did in his song , Soso.

Daniel Regha tweet reads;

“Asake new song , Yoga have a nice beat and catchy chorus but lyrically speaking the song is pointless…, Just rhymes”.

“The music video is also discouraging because it glorifies evil spirit”.

“Omah lay did the same in Soso”.

“This is how people get possessed”.

“It’s not entertaining”.



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