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Natural Ways To Lighten The Skin



We have different colours of skin today, we have the extremely fair skin, the fair skin, dark skin, brown skin, olive skin, reddish white and what have you. As we know, some people have been blessed with fair skin while some have been blessed with dark or brown skin, this however does not mean that a dark skinned person cannot change his skin tone.


The skin produces a pigment called melanin. Melanin is a natural skin pigment which affects the hair, skin and eye colour of a person, skin cells called melanocytes make up the melanin. When the melanin is small in one’s body, their hair, skin and iris of the eye will become light but if the melanin is much, the skin, eye and hair becomes dark.



Changing of skin colour is not only for those with natural dark or brown skin as some light skinned people also look for ways to retain their skin colour, make it lighter or even bring it back to its original state after the brightness of their skin might have been reduced due to stress or other factors. So if you have a dark skin, don’t think you’re the only one aiming at making your skin light.


The use of appropriate body lotions or creams can still serve as a good means of lightening a person’s skin but sometimes, it’s advisable one goes natural and the reason is not farfetched. Using bleaching cream to lighten your skin has side effects such as dullness of the skin and acne and this is because of the chemicals used in them, so while you’re getting light by using bleaching creams, you might also be getting side effects. This is not to discourage you from using bleaching creams but to inform you of the natural ways to lighten your skin.


What are the fruits that Lighten The Skin?

There are different fruits which make your skin lighten or glow and this is just what we will look at before discussing the natural ways to lighten your skin.

1. Mango

Mango is rich in vitamin A, C, E and K, it is also rich in fibre and dietary sugar. You could make a puree and apply on body or face, eat it or mix with other things. It reduces fine lines and acne mark.

2. Orange

Orange has antioxidants and reduces inflammation. Orange also slows down premature aging due to the presence of collagen.

3. Papaya

This fruit is rich in vitamin A, B, and C. It is also rich in copper, potassium and magnesium. Papaya can treat skin infection, warts and ezcema and it also prevents constipation.


4. Pomegranate

The peel of this fruit contains antioxidant and the fruit itself is rich in vitamin C and K and also rich in minerals like calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. You could make a juice out of it and drink or extract the juice from the seeds and apply on the skin.


5. Watermelon

Watermelon is rich in vitamin A, B1, B6 and C, it has no fat or cholesterol.

6. Banana

The fruit is rich in vitamin A, C, E and K and also rich in dietary fibre, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. The peel of the banana fruit can remove acne and scars.

7. Apple

Apple fruit is endowed with vitamin A, C and minerals like calcium and potassium.

8. Lemon
This fruit is a natural bleaching agent.


9. Cucumber
According to researchers, sea cucumbers can assist in skin whitening


10. Pineapple
This fruit removes dead cells and aid healing process of the skin.


11. Appricot
It is rich in Vitamin A, C and K. Appricot reduces the appearance of aging.


Having listed the fruits that can boost the colour of your skin, let’s discuss the natural ways to lighten your skin using these fruits and the steps involved.

   What Are The Natural Ways To Lighten The Skin?

What Are The Natural Ways To Lighten The Skin?


There are different methods of lightening your skin naturally and we will just take them one after the other.

1. Potato Juice
Ingredient for this method is potato
Peel the potato and cut into very small sizes, rub the pieces on your skin, face or any area you want to be lightened. After this, leave the juice on your face for about 20 minutes and then rinse your face with water.

Another method of using potato for your skin is by grating or grinding your potato, extracting the juice and then applying it on your body. You can leave it overnight or wash it off after some minutes. Potato is rich in vitamin C and helps remove dead cell from the skin.


2. Lemon Juice
Ingredients for this procedure are ripe lemon, honey and milk.
You extract the juice from the lemon, mix it with your plain or liquid milk and honey. Wash your face or body and apply the mixture on your skin after cleansing. Leave for about 20 minutes or more before rinsing it off. Lemon reduces the appearance of dark spots. One ought to be careful when using lemon, before using lemon on your skin, conduct a patching test to see if your skin will react to it. If it does, desist from using it. Also, when using lemon do not go out under the sun because it may result to irritation, swelling, redness and blisters. Lemon is good for those with oily and dry skin.



3. Yoghurt
For this method, you need plain yoghurt and honey.
Yoghurt is rich in lactic acid and has vitamin B complex which makes the skin glow. Mix plain yoghurt with honey to form a paste. Apply the paste on your face and leave for 15-20 minutes afterwards, you wash your face with warm water. Do this once or twice a week



4. Papaya
As discussed earlier on, papaya has enzymes that remove dead skin cells and blemishes.
You will need ripe papaya popularly called pawpaw and honey. Mash the papaya to form a paste and add your honey. Mix them thoroughly and apply on a cleansed face. Leave for few minutes before rinsing.


5. Carrot
Ingredients for this routine are carrots, avocado, heavy cream, egg and honey.
Get a carrot or the number you need and grate along with avocado. After grating them, add heavy cream, egg and honey and mix thoroughly to form a paste. Apply this paste on your face and wash off after few minutes.


6. Rice Flour
This might sound strange to you but it is actually a good source of lightening your skin. Ingredients needed for this method are rice and milk.
Grind the raw rice until it turns into a powder form, add milk to it and mix to form a paste. Apply the mixture on your face and leave for about 30-40 minutes before rinsing it.



7. Oranges
Rich in vitamin C, orange reduces inflammation and has antioxidants as discussed earlier. You will need an orange and tumeric for this routine.
Get the juice out of the orange and mix with tumeric powder. Rub it on your body or face and leave for some minutes before washing off.
Another method is to form a powder using dried orange peel, add plain yoghurt to the powder and apply on skin. This could be done twice a week.



8. Aloe vera
Take some aloe vera leaf, extract the thick gel like substance from it and apply on your skin for few minutes before washing off.


9. Honey
Apply honey on your face and rinse after few minutes

10. Cucumber
Wash the cucumber, slice and put on the face and leave for some minutes before rinsing or cut into pieces, grate and add honey to the grated cucumber. Rub it on your face or body and leave for few minutes before rinsing.


11. Mango
Make a mango puree by grinding your mango and apply on your face for few minutes before rinsing. If you have a dry skin, mash or grind a mango, add yoghurt, honey and apple to it and apply on your body for 20 minutes but if your skin is oily, mix lemon, rose water and mango together and rub on your body.

Other Natural Ways To Lighten The Skin

1. Use Olive Oil
Massage your body with olive oil and honey
2. Get enough sleep
3. Mix egg white and corn flour powder and apply on your face or body.
4. Cook an oat meal and allow to cool off before applying on face. Rinse after few minutes
5. Drink enough water
6. To get a glowing skin, never forget to lick fruits and eat vegetables. Most fruits can naturally lighten your skin so ensure you don’t miss adding some fruits or vegetables to your meals.

These are some of the natural ways to lighten your skin or make it glow. Results do not come after a trial so in order to get the achieved result, you have to repeat these methods. You could choose the method you want but it should be done weekly or twice a week for a long period of time, probably for six months. However, if you observe any reaction when using any of the methods listed here, outrightly stop using it or you could see your doctor and get to know your allergies.



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