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You are useless if you ask for transport money from men – Pastor Mildred Okonkwo tell women (Video)



Pastor Mildred Kingsley- Okonkwo, co-pastors David Christian Centre (DCC)  and wife of Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo has stated that women who demand transportation money from men are “useless.”

It could be recalled that Relationship expert, Blessing Okoro noted that it is the duty of a man to give his woman transport fare when before or after they visit.

Blessing had made a video of herself asking; “Is a man supposed to give a woman transport fare after a date or a visit?”

Taken aback by her own question, she interjected: “That’s a foolish question and you can only ask that question when you’re dating a boy. Stop dating boys!”

The sex therapist emphasized that transportation fare is a man’s ‘responsibility’.

According to her, whether he’s married to the lady or not, he must provide transport fare for her.

Well, Pastor Mildred Kingsley- Okonkwo has rubbished her claim.

Speaking at the House on the rock church, Enugu state, the clergywoman urged unmarried men not to marry a lady who is lazy, especially one who asks for transportation costs.

She added that when a woman argues that it is a man’s responsibility to give her money for transportation, it brings the impression that she is a poor girl.

Watch below;

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