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“The Pressure And Stigma Were Like Unwelcome Shadows” – Blessing Obasi Talks About Getting Married At An Older Age, Gives Advice To Single People



Nigerian actress and Stan Nze’s wife, Blessing Obasi is using her social media platform to speak out against societal pressures surrounding marriage, especially for women.

Blessing Obasi
In an Instagram post, the mother of one shared a powerful message about her own experience getting married later in life, and how it wasn’t just a decision, but a whole journey.


Mrs Nze explained that choosing to get married at an older age wasn’t just something she did, but rather a path she took to discover herself, become stronger, and break free from the rules society sets about what makes someone happy.


She talked about feeling pressure and judgment from others, like shadows whispering doubts and making her feel lonely. But instead of letting that get her down, she used those quiet moments to find her own strength.


Sharing an important message, Blessing Obasi revealed that love isn’t a race you have to win, and marriage isn’t a prize for being the quickest to get there.


According to her, It’s about finding someone who understands the experiences you’ve already had and wants to write the next chapters of your life together with you.


The beautiful thespian empowered others who are facing similar pressures to remember that their life, their pace, and their story are all their own. She encourages everyone to embrace their own unique journey.


In her words:

“You know, I had to jump on this conversation because after several years of feeling like an outsider in a world that often equates a woman’s worth with her marital status, I’ve finally stepped into a chapter that I crafted on my own terms.


Getting married at an older age wasn’t just a choice; it was a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and breaking free from societal norms that tried to dictate my happiness.


The pressure and stigma were like unwelcome shadows, whispering doubts and cast

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