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“One Man, One Wife Still Remains The Best” – Junior Pope React After His Colleague, Yul Edochie Says He’s A Proud Polygamist



Popular nollywood actor, Junior Pope Odonwodo has taken to social media to react to his colleague, Yul Edochie statement after he said he’s a proud Polygamist.

Few hours after Yul took to his social media page to declare that he’s a proud Polygamist, backed up with biblical verse, with the claim that God directed him, his colleague, Junior Pope reacted.


Taking to his own Instagram page, Junior Pope shared stunning photos of himself and wife while he advised/reminded Yul that monogamy is the best.


According to him, nothing can change the fact that one man, one wife is the best type of marriage.


In his words; “ONE MAN ,ONE WIFE still remains the best ……Nothing can change that ………
Happy Sunday Swagnation
Sunday vibes with wifey.”


Meanwhile, Yul Edochie has revealed that he’s proud of his polygamous lifestyle and the Bible acknowledges Polygamy.


The actor made headlines months back when he revealed he has a child with another woman and decided to take her in as a second wife.


Taking to his Instagram page, Yul stated that marrying Judy Austin is his destiny and God directed him to do it so he can give his son a proper identity.


In his words; “I’m a very proud Polygamist.
With my full chest.
Read Exodus 21 vs 10.
The bible acknowledges Polygamy.
It is my destiny.
God directed me to do it.
So I can give my son a proper identity.
Therefore it came with many blessings,
Blessings for me, blessings for my wife Queen May to calm her down cos as a human being she’ll definitely not be happy about it, and blessings for my wife Judy as well.
I’m a very solid man of God.
With so much grace.
You may not understand my life and say negative things about me, I won’t blame you.
It’s my life not yours.
So you’re not supposed to understand it.
Dear Lord, I acknowledge your abundant blessings in my life, in my family and I just want to say THANK YOU LORD.
My mouth will forever testify your goodness.
May your Mighty Name be praised forever and ever, Amen.”

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