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Bbnaija Lucy Reacts To Lesbianism And Cocaine Allegations



Former big brother naija housemate, Lucy Edet has reacted to rumours about her being involved in Lesbianism and also a drug addict.


See a screenshot of her post below:


Bbnaija Lucy Reacts To Lesbianism And Cocaine Allegations




Few months ago, Lucy Edet shared with her followers how she maintains her peace.


Lucy Edet

Lucy stated that it is better to distant yourself from people undeserving of you than trying hard to prove your worth to them.


Some hours ago, she tweeted:

“Sometimes, I get so mad, but then I remember I can just delete comments, reply or block! And there in lies my peace and laughter! 

Let people lose you instead of trying to convince them of your worth. Periodt! With a T.”






Few comments from her fans reads:



I love you sooo much. Your maturity wow me the most. The way you carry yourself and that fulfilling smile in your pictures. Keep winning babe




We your real fans we are here for you no matter what we love you So much Lucy



Pls focus on ur self and keep getting better never the haters u are loved❤️💯by me

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