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“You make more sense when you are silent. Childish Adult” – Netizens React As Yul Edochie Announces Forgiveness For Late Jnr Pope



Nollywood actor, Yul Edochie, has announced that he has forgiven and put behind the alleged backstabbing against him by late actor Junior Pope, which has gotten several reactions online.

MOMEDIA reported previously that Yul Edochie, who was noticeably absent at the late actor’s burial, recently took to social media to label the deceased a backstabber.

Yul Edochie

Yul Edochie

According to Yul, he had stated that Jnr Pope was like a brother to him, whom he supported during difficult times, only for the deceased to betray him repeatedly. 

However, in a post on his verified Facebook page on Wednesday, Yul Edochie revealed that he has now forgiven the deceased and wished his family the best. 

While preaching about forgiveness, Yul Edochie said that the world is currently full of flaws, and people should always strive to forgive those who wronged them regardless of how painful it might be.

He continued that life is short and unpredictable, adding that there is no gain in trying to bring people down. He added that people should avoid making content out of the misery of their fellow humans. 

The actor further preached for more love and unity among Nollywood practitioners, saying that everyone is passing through one thing or the other.

Yul Edochie wrote;

“Speaking about forgiveness, I forgive him completely. It hurts deeply when a friend you love, took like a brother, stood for and shown love over the years turns around to stab you in the back repeatedly without remorse. Sadly that’s the world we live in. Humans are filled with flaws. To err is human, but to forgive is divine. I forgive him & wish his family the very best.

“Dear Nollywood & humanity, I hope this serves as a wake-up call. Life is short & unpredictable. None of us will be here forever. Let us bring back love and unity amongst us. You gain nothing by trying to bring another person down. The sky is big enough for all of us to fly. When you see your fellow man or woman having issues, don’t be that person who will add to the pain.

“In this era of social media & monetized pages, resist the urge to use another person’s pain to create content or to trend. You have no idea the damage you cause each time you do it & in the end, the outcome may not be what you expected. We reap what we sow.

“Let us bring back love & unity and be there for one another. Everybody is passing through one thing or the other, rather than make fun of the person, call that colleague on the phone and ask, how can I help? Let us kill hate with love. Rest well, brother. You made your mark here. May God be with your family, comfort them, and grant them the strength to bear.”

See his post below…

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