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Activist VeryDarkMan Sl@ms Skitmaker Carter Efe of Domëstic Abüse (VIDEO)



Famous controversial social media activist, VeryDarkMan has recently accused Nigerian comedian Carter Efe of being an abusive partner towards his girlfriend, Emmanuella.

Carter Efe and his girlfriend, Emmanuella

Carter Efe and his girlfriend, Emmanuella

VeryDarkMan released a video on his social media page, who dragged Carter Efe over his alleged abusive behavior and a clip featuring American artist P Diddy reportedly assaulting his ex-girlfriend, Cassie.

The video, which has since been shared online, was initially obtained by CNN from CCTV footage recorded at a hotel where the alleged incident involving Carter Efe and Nuella took place.

VeryDarkMan did not mince words as he condemned not only P Diddy but also pointed out what he described as a pervasive issue within the Nigerian entertainment industry.

In his video statement, VeryDarkMan made bold allegations against Cartet Efe, asserting that the comedian allegedly subjects his girlfriend, Nuella to abuse and has mentally manipulated her to prevent her from leaving him.

VeryDarkMan went on to suggest that such behavior is not isolated to Carter Efe but rather indicative of a broader pattern among male celebrities in Nigeria.

Watch VeryDarkMan speak below…

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