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Miss Ecuador Contestant Sh0t Dêåd At Restaurant After Attãckers Found Her Location



A social media influencer and former Miss Ecuador contestant was kill£d in a restaurant, few minutes after she posted an image of her meal to social media, according to reports.

Landy Párraga, who allegedly had links to an Ecuadorian crim€ boss, was fatally gunn€d down while eating at a shopping center in Quevedo, Ecuador on Sunday, April 28, according to The Telegraph, El Pais and El Comercio.

Landy Párraga

Landy Párraga

The 23-year-old lady, who came fifth in the 2022 Miss Ecuador pageant, posted a photo of the octopus ceviche she ordered at the restaurant to her 173,000 followers on her Instagram Stories, according to The Telegraph.

Shortly after posting the image, two armed gunmen entered the restaurant and shot her three times before they fled the scene, horrifying footage shows.

The shooting was captured on cameras inside the restaurant and showed Párraga standing at a table next to a man (who was also shot at) before the gunmen entered and started firing.

The beauty queen reportedly had links to Ecuadorian drug trafficker Leandro Norero, as she was mentioned in text messages obtained on his phone, according to The Telegraph and El Pais. The conversations were found as a part of Operation Metastasis, an investigation which seeks to find criminals accused of corrupting Ecuadorian state officials.

Investigators found photos of the beauty queen on Norero’s phone along with evidence that he had given her expensive gifts like apartments and cars, The Telegraph reported.

It was also implied in his messages that he had a relationship with Párraga outside of his marriage and had messaged his lawyer Heliver Angulo to say “her name cannot come out anywhere. Otherwise, my world will come crashing down,” per The Telegraph.

Párraga also reportedly ran a sports clothing label and a goods-importing business, which authorities are investigating to see whether it was tied to Norero, according to the outlet.

Norero himself was kill€d in a prison riot about 18 months ago and some of his known associates, including Angulo, are being prosecuted as a part of Operation Metastasis, El Pais reported.

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