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“Youtube is not going to last long as a platform in Nigeria” – Veteran actor Kanayo O Kanayo says as he tackles new Nollywood actors ‘with no sensê of purpose’ over shoddy jobs done on the platform



Lawyer and veteran Nollywood actor Kanayo O. Kanayo tackles the new actors in the movie industry, saying they exist ‘with no sense of purpose’.

The actor came on social media to express his own point of view as he shares a video.

Lawyer and veteran Nollywood actor Kanayo O. Kanayo tackles the new actors in the movie industry, saying they exist ‘with no sense of purpose’.
Kanayo Emphasized on the shaddy jobs the new Nollywood actors are coming out with as content for trends on the YouTube platform.

The lawyer said in the video:

”I have sat back and watched! The opportunities offered by the YouTube channels, a very good platform. But unfortunately, Anything that comes to Nigeria, our dear country, they will jump in and try to mess it up. I have watched with dismay and I make this video out of no malice to anybody. YouTube is being messed up… by different things especially the actors are doing. And mark my words this day, if I be ye a professional that I have been all these years. What I am gonna say to you right now is gonna come to pass.

We built Nollywood brick by brick, block by block. But the guys who have besieged YouTube; Actors not the producers, don’t have any sense of purpose or process, to create a procedure of lasting videography of creating content….

YouTube is not going to last as long as it is in Nigeria”

See the video below…

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