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“I Lost My Marriage, My Mum & Elections”- Funke Akindele In Tears As Gistlover & Online Trolls Accuse Her Of Causing Adejumoke Aderounmu Depression Which Led To Her De@th/Lay Cur$es On Her Ch!ldren (VIDEO)



Popular filmmaker and actress, Funke Akindele, has cried out on social media after popular gossip blog, Gistlover shared a lengthy post accusing the actress of using the late Actress Adejumoke Aderounmu for her movies, not paying her well, backlisting & instigating producers not to work with her.

"I Lost My Marriage, My Mum & Elections"- Funke Akindele In Tears As Gistlover & Online Trolls Accuse Her Of Causing Jumoke's Depression Which Led To Her De@th/Lay Cur$es On Her Ch!ldren (VIDEO)

Some hours ago, online trolls took to Funke Akindele’s page to curse her & children. Funke went live on instagram almost immediately to reveal she wasn’t close to the late Jumoke, only worked with her on two film series and they parted ways.

Funke also added that she has been very unhappy for a while because of the lost of her mum, divorce and losing the governorship elections. So, she never had time to check up on some people.

See video below:

Meanwhile, part of gistlover’s report reads:

She was giving them bad reviews and tagging her an ingrate, before we know what was going on she was blacklisted in the industry with the influence of her former boss, I put it to you that both the unilag babe record label, her trainees and anyone working for her, apart from Seeing them in her movie , did anyone of them break through ? I will wait for an answer on that, Anyone of them that opt out will either remain stagnant, struggling to be seen or we won’t hear them again.

This petite lady been a very emotional lady and doesn’t like social media wahala because according to her family they wanted to speak out countless times but she made them hold back, the black lost Made them not call her for jobs again, she moved from lekki to Abeokuta because she couldn’t keep up again, depression set in, her family said she couldn’t face rejection so she reached out to unilag babe to settle with her so at least if people see them together they can start giving her jobs again , she tried several means but unilag babe ignored, she was low on cash for so long, she couldn’t get a job, she was staying with her elder sister believing one day miracle will happen, the family said she sleeps and screams unilag babe name from her sleep and sweating always, they said they didn’t take her serious and they felt it’s just depression messing with her, they told her to post on her social media handle but she said she was not looking good enough, she didn’t handle the rejection well, you know how emotional people are, she stopped posting and a lot of her fans and colleague forget about her, one of the people that they pulled out together is went to beg the unilag babe because her own career was on hold too since she left unilag babe , Lady J tried all her best to reach out but all to no avail, she fell sick and just two of her colegues came through for her, life was not fair to her, ebeywhrimh was practically against her the moment they took her passion away from her, acting was her passion and she was a good role interpreter, then two days ago, after been sick for a while and trying to reconcile with no luck , LADY J slept and didn’t wake up💔 she left the struggles!

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