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“Cherish Your family Because They Are The Greatest Gift From God, I Love You Brunella & Kamara”- Williams Uchemba Says, Shares Heartwarming VIDEO



Nollywood actor, Williams Uchemba, has penned a lovely note to his wife, Brunella, and his daughter Kamala.


Williams uchemba daughter


Williams wrote:

THIS IS EVERYTHING. This is all that matters. I’ve seen and heard people when their time is up on earth and they have few hours to live, family is all they mention, some with regrets of how they didn’t take care of their family and others how fulfilled they are with theirs. If you have one, you’ve already won in life already. cherish them because at the end of the day they are the greatest gifts from God.

I love you Brunella and Kamara ❤️❤️

Williams uchemba wife

The actor also shared this video. See below:



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