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Videos & Photos From Celebrity Stylist, Veekee James Introduction



Fashion designer, Veekee James had her wedding introduction yesterday evening at her hometown.

Videos & Photos From Celebrity Stylist, Veekee James Introduction

Videos & Photos From Celebrity Stylist, Veekee James Introduction

See videos below:

Fashion designer, Veekee James shared a video of her engagement which took place in the month of June. In the video Veekee prayed for her husband-to-be, Femi.

Veekee james husband

Veekee james fiance

In her words:

“Social media shall not come between us. When they describe you, they will not describe you as Veekee James’ husband” , you will carry fire……”

Veekee jamew

Veekee james fiance

Meanwhike, blogger, Gist Merchant, has alleged Femi is the reason, she stopped being friends with Wanneka. According to Cutie, Veekee’s fiance, Femi worked with Wanneka, managing her business, untill he started dating her bestfriend, Veekee, which displeased her. Gistmerchant also accused Veekee of the one sponsoring the wedding, etc.

See screenshots of gist merchant post below:


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