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Don’t be faithful until you’re married — Reality TV Star Tacha Advices (VIDEO)



Reality tv star, Tacha Akide has advised single people not to be faithful to their partners because there is no ring or marital oath involved.

See video:


Some reactions to her post;


Marriage doesn’t automatically change you overnight. If you can’t be faithful in your relationship, you can’t be faithful in marriage.


you are unfaithful,you want ring…how?


If you can’t be faithful in ur relationship, u can never be faithful in ur marriage. Relationship is a foundation of marriage so wat are u saying


Tacha mentality these days is becoming irritating


U can only count few that have sense out of all these bbn people sha like maybe 3 out of all of them


Me being faithful, it is to myself not to the man. It means I am saving myself the emotional stress of dealing with more than 1 man, 2) I know who to hold accountable in the case of pregnancy and infections (in this generation you can’t say, pls use condoms), 3) I am protecting myself from fighting spiritual battles that are not mine but gotten from sleeping with a possessed or cursed man. 4) it is the right thing to do. Once you have more than one sexual partner, you are insane👌

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