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Two Years And No Justice For Sylvester: One of the accused uncle told us they’ve over a million dollars to fi*ht and defend themselves — Family cries out (DETAIL)



Uncle of the late Sylvester Oromoni, who died as a result of beating recieved by schoolmates, have cried out on twitter over Nigeria’s failed judiciary system and abuse of power by the wealthy.

Two Years And No Justice For Sylvester: One of the accused uncle told us they’ve over a million dollars to fi*ht and defend themselves — Family cries out (DETAIL

He tweeted:

2 years!!! 2 years of pain, anger, excruciating emotional torment and non ending pursuit for justice. I have always known how corrupt and useless the Nigerian justice system is but I never imagined I’d experience it first hand. This boys father was told in court by one of the


Accused uncle to forget about the case. Said they’ve got over a million dollars to fight and defend themselves till the world ends. An autopsy was carried out when sly died but was ordered to be done again in Lagos where not only was the result different, each of the families of

Accused has their own pathologist present. We got to see how the Nigerian bar association tried to disrupt the case, how the judge called in sick almost every court date, how witnesses were intimidated and basically harassed by the army of lawyers of the 5 accused boys.


Dowen college moved on like nothing happened. Blogs and some influential figures were bought and to crown it all its now headed towards “ lack of substantial evidence”. It’s not over until justice prevails. Believe that.


Two Years And No Justice For Sylvester: One of the accused uncle told us they’ve over a million dollars to fi*ht and defend themselves — Family cries out (DETAIL


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