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“I Started Amal Botanicals From My Kitchen….Every Woman Has A Purpose & Must Strive To Fulfill That Purpose”- Zuwaira Isah Ikharo (Founder, Amal Botanicals, A Child Care Company)



Zuwaira Isah-Ikharo is the founder of Amal Botanicals, a Nigerian-based natural products baby care company. With a passion for creating safe and gentle products for infants, Zuwaira has revolutionized the market with her innovative range of natural baby care solutions.

"I Started Amal Botanicals From My Kitchen....Every Woman Has A Purpose & Must Strive To Fulfill That Purpose"- Zuwaira Isah Ikharo (Founder, Amal Botanicals, A Child Care Product Company)

Zuwaira’s expertise in finance and taxation, combined with her entrepreneurial spirit, has played a pivotal role in the success of Amal Botanicals.

Holding a National Diploma in Accounting from the University of Abuja and a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting and Business Administration from Igbinedion University, she has been equipped with a solid foundation for running a successful business.


But Zuwaira’s thirst for knowledge and self-improvement didn’t stop there. She further honed her skills by becoming a certified forensic expert from the International Institute of Certified Forensic Investigation Professionals in Kenya. Additionally, she embarked on the prestigious Entrepreneurial Edge program at the London Business School, where she gained invaluable insights and strategies to take her business to new heights. As an alumni of London Business School, Zuwaira has proven herself to be a true leader in the industry.


Before venturing into the world of natural baby care, Zuwaira spent a decade working with the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) as a Manager Tax. This experience not only granted her extensive knowledge in taxation but also cultivated her drive to make a positive impact on society.

Realizing the need for safe, natural and effective baby care products, Zuwaira pursued her passion by studying and securing a Diploma in Natural Cosmetic Formulation, with a special focus on babies and children, from Formula Botanicals in the United Kingdom. This specialized knowledge, paired with her expertise in finance and taxation, laid the foundation for Amal Botanicals and its mission to provide parents with a trustworthy and loving approach to caring for their little ones.

"I Started Amal Botanicals From My Kitchen....Every Woman Has A Purpose & Must Strive To Fulfill That Purpose"- Zuwaira Isah Ikharo (Founder, Amal Botanicals, A Child Care Product Company)

Since the opening of Amal Botanicals’ walk-in store in 2019, the company has gained a devoted following, earning accolades for its commitment to quality and transparency. Zuwaira’s dedication to providing only the best for babies has propelled Amal Botanicals to new heights, making it a leading force in the Nigerian baby care market.

On this episode of The Bossroom Show, we delve into the entrepreneurial journey of Zuwaira Isah-Ikharo, the brilliant mind behind Amal Botanicals.


The Story & Inspiration Behind Amal Botanicals

“I had pre-mature triplets in 2016, that was when my focus on Accounting & Tax shifted to babycare. I had a very high risk pregnancy, while pregnant, i was advised medically not to use some products. My children were birthed pre-maturely and spent six weeks in the incubator. During that time, i couldn’t use the conventional skincare product on them.


"I Started Amal Botanicals From My Kitchen....Every Woman Has A Purpose & Must Strive To Fulfill That Purpose"- Zuwaira Isah Ikharo (Founder, Amal Botanicals, A Child Care Product Company)

I had to use shea butter, coconut oil and close to nature product on them. That was when i began my research for natural baby care products and parents who will also need such products, that was how Amal Botanicals started.”


Importance Of Using Natural Childcare Products

“The skin is the largest organ and whatever we put on it goes deep down into the body. Using natural skincare products on my children greatly helped their development. It helped speed up their development process while in the incubator. They had jaundice, the natural products also helped healed them. Parents should pay attention to what they apply on their children’s body, some of those products can slow down or hinder their children’s developmental growth.”



“Sourcing of raw materials, moving them from the farm to our production facility. Packaging of our products in Nigeria and preparing for the international market, meeting international standard, exchange rates rising is also challenging.”


Amal Botanical Products

” We make use of Shea butter, Coconut oil, Moringa powder, neem powder….etc. Some of our products are mosturizing cream, bath washes, African black soap, etc. We understand that children’s skintype are different. My triplets were the first kids who used these products before we went commercial. We make use of a laboratory to check our products if there is any micro-organism that shouldn’t be there. Most of our products are registered by NAFDAC. These products are also tested on children first before going to the public.”


We’ve had so many testimonials from parents who have used our products on their children. Healing of Eczema’s, dry skin on children, and several other skin conditions.

Vision for Amal Botanicals

“I hope to expand the factory and production space to a very big facility, with different sections. I also intend to make our products more accessible everywhere in Africa and the rest of the world”.

"I Started Amal Botanicals From My Kitchen....Every Woman Has A Purpose & Must Strive To Fulfill That Purpose"- Zuwaira Isah Ikharo (Founder, Amal Botanicals, A Child Care Product Company)


“Amal Botanicals product are very affordable for the value we provide. We give premium natural childcare products. We take time and care to produce them. Our products are accessible, we have retailers in every state in Nigeria. We also have retailers in other countries, e.g Ghana, US, UK, etc. Most of our retailers are people who were once buyers, they have used our products before joining the retailing scheme, and making profits now.”


Sustainability & Eco-friendly Practices

“We used sustainable raw materials to produce our packaging. We also recycle our packaging, thereby ensuring eco-friendly practices.


The Team

” We have a staff strength of 15. 12 are permanent staff, while 3 are casual staff. We have more women in our team. I’m thankful for dedicated staff and i try to delegate as much as possible. I spend viable resources training the team, so they can perform optimally in their positions.”


Advice For Budding Skincare Entreprenuers

“The industry is big enough to accomodate anyone interested, however, carve a niche, don’t serve the general public. Serving the general public means you’re not serving anyone. Do your research and have a ‘WHY’. Your ‘WHY’ is what will keep you going despite the challenges that may occur in the journey.

Start small & generate funds from your own business. Start wherever you are. Amal Botanicals started from my kitchen….i didn’t wake up one day to own a store in Ikoyi, i started production from my home. Amal Botanicals started small and we grew bit by bit. There is power in starting small and growing at your own pace.”


Advice To Women & Mothers

“Before i got married, i used to say that i never wanted my children to be my greatest achievement in life, because we all have a purpose on earth, and your children will someday ask you why you’re not fulfilling that purpose. It’s not easy raising kids and having a career at the same time, however, your children will grow and that phase will pass, do not forget yourself, your purpose on earth, add value to yourself.”

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