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My Husband Is My Senior In Age And Money, I’m Just Fat — Nigerian Bride Replies Netizens Saying She’s Older (PHOTOS)



Nigerian lady who was mocked for marrying a younger man some days ago, has reacted. The lady stated that she is younger than her husband but looks older because of her body size.



My Husband Is My Senior In Age And Money, I'm Just Fat — Nigerian Bride Replies Netizens Saying She's Older (PHOTOS)


She wrote;

My Husband is My Senior in Age and Money, I’m Just Fat – Bride Replies Nigerians.

We are doing well,fatness is not sickness,I am fat so I love them slim and the most important thing is the love we have for each other, God keep on showing him to me as my husband,so God plan is what we are looking up to.

My advice to some people:

1.marry who God approve.

2. Don’t marry because of facial look,bc nothing last forever:divorce is everywhere because I want a beautiful woman with figure 8.

3.I don’t want to marry him because he’s too slim:my brother and sisters if God approve it do it.

4.Your happiness first before any other thing

5.Don’t get pregnant for him before marriage: If God decide to punish the devil he will still leave you.

6.Be like Kindigh Mwuese Florence Don’t rush for marriage wait for God’s time, because if you rush in you will still rush out,love is a beautiful thing, It’s time you stop looking beyond body size please, accept what God has given to you so that we will both reduce divorce in our societies, country and the whole world”

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