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“Stop In$ulting Phyna, It’s So Disheartening Seeing In$ults From Her Fellow Women”- BBN Tochi Says After Phyna Was Criticized For Using Laughing Emoji In A Murder Case (Details)



Former Big Brother Naija housemate, Tochi, has pleaded with Netizens especially women to stop insulting Phyna. Recall that Phyna was heavily criticized yesterday for using laughing emojis while reacting to a murder case online.

Tochi tweeted:


I open twitter every time and I see people abusing this chick @unusualphyna you guys really have to take a break it’s getting too much! Especially from her fellow women it’s so disheartening… 😡

You can correct someone politely without insulting them, some of you need to start watching how you insult people here! If no one ever cared or showed you love we must not suffer it, go and buy a teddy bear.


I don’t need any followers, I don’t need anything oh I just need them to let her breathe a little! She is not perfect, but she is human✅

One of his followers responded:

Someone can say disgusting thing abt a dead girl and laugh abt her being murdered, but you have problem with ppl coming for her…. If she doesn’t want that, she should check whatever she say before opening mouth… Someone was murdered by the way




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