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“5 Reasons Why Ebuka Is The Perfect Host For The ‘All-Star’ Edition” – BBNaija Organizers Reveals (DETAIL)



The organizers of Bbnaija have revealed why the show’s long-time host, Ebuka Uchendu is the best for the season 8 “All star” edition.

Bbnaija organizers on Ebuka

They explained their points in a 5 reason manner. This came after Ebuka showed interest in participating in the “All star” edition rather than hosting the show.


According to the organizers of the show, Ebuka is a day one ex-housemate who understands the dynamics, emotions and challenges faced by the housemates.


They added that he is always ready with tough questions, a fashion icon who showcases the richness and diversity of Nigerian fashion, the master table scatterer and his engaging and charismatic personality.

Bbnaija organizers on Ebuka

Bbnaija organizers on Ebuka

Bbnaija organizers on Ebuka

Bbnaija organizers on Ebuka

Bbnaija organizers on Ebuka

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