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PFN condemns the death of Rev. Achi and declares that anybody who dismisses Deborah’s murder is unfit to be President




THE Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) has strongly denounced the heinous murder of Rev Isaac Achi, who was the Kafin Koro Deanery of the Minna Diocese of Niger State and the Reverend Father in charge of St Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Kafin Koro till his untimely demise.

In a news release issued by the PFN National President’s office, Bishop Francis Wale Oke expressed deep grief at the death of the Catholic Priest.

“I am very grieved and angered by the tragic burning to death by bandits of Rev.Father Isaac Achi,” Bishop Oke remarked. This is only one of many unnecessary and heinous deaths that have occurred.

He expressed profound condolences to the victims’ families as well as the whole Christian community in Niger State and Nigeria. He urged all Christians, regardless of denomination, to join in denouncing these acts of violence and praying for an end to the senseless deaths and terror that plague our country.

The Cleric also urged the government and law enforcement to uphold their responsibilities of ensuring security for all residents and ridding the country of bandits and terrorists. “It is the role of the government to safeguard the safety and well-being of all citizens, and the assassination of Rev. Father Isaac Achi is reprehensible. Innocent lives are being lost as a result of our government’s inability to act.

He went on to say that the church’s work will continue even in the face of persecution. “We will not be discouraged by these unprecedented terrible deeds and we will continue to promote the message of Jesus Christ, which is the gospel of love to everybody”.

He then urged all followers of Jesus Christ in Nigeria to unite in the face of evil and work together to create a peaceful and just society, saying that united, Christians would overcome the hatred and violence that attempts to separate them.

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