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“Stop Trying So Hard To Please Online In-laws, Tattooing Has Several Health Implications Such As HIV……”- Doctor Tells Chioma & Davido



Popular Twitter Doctor, Penking , has written a lengthy note of advice to Singer, Davido and wife Chioma, after they had a matching tattoo on their wedding finger.


"Stop Trying So Hard To Please Online In-laws, Tattooing Has Several Health Implications Such As HIV......"- Doctor Tells Chioma & Davido


Dr Penking wrote:

Davido and Chioma have tattooed each other’s names on their fingers. This might seem like a very sweet love expression but I personally feel that right now, they are trying too hard to please online in-laws at the expense of their personal happiness or what they really want.

"Stop Trying So Hard To Please Online In-laws, Tattooing Has Several Health Implications Such As HIV......"- Doctor Tells Chioma & Davido



Tattooing has a lot of health implications. It’s not just a drawing. The equipment pierces through the 5 layers of the Epidermis namely Stratum Corneum , Stratum Lucidum, Stratum Granulosum, Stratum spinosum, Stratum Germinativum/basale and goes further to deposit the ink

into the next layer called
the Dermis.People have contracted deadly diseases like HIV,Hepatitis B,etc from unsterilized or poorly sterilized tattooing equipment but I don’t even want to go into that today. I feel they should invest more energy into actually being happy and doing

what gives them both an in-depth satisfaction instead of acting a script to please a mob.
That being said, they remain my favorite couple and I will still insist that good ladies like Chioma are less than 10 in Nigeria and the remaining 8 are in the East.



"Stop Trying So Hard To Please Online In-laws, Tattooing Has Several Health Implications Such As HIV......"- Doctor Tells Chioma & Davido

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