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“What’s This Desperation To Show Azul” Fans React As Sir Kess Calls Beauty Tukura The Real Azul Queen



Big Brother Level Up Housemate Sir Kess, posted a moment with Beauty Tukura holding Azul calling her the Real Azul Queen.

Sir Kess Celebrated his birthday at Club Anthena, other housemates present include Chomzy, Pere, Groovy, Phyna, Khalid, Christy O and others.

Sir Kess Calls Beuty The Real Azul Queen Fans React

Here are some comments on the post;

@kristabel wrote;

This is what sheggz FC spent 1 year menstruating on 😂
Something even sponsored by pepsi
Poverty na bastard

@becky wrote;

One thing with Beauty, she will always buy Azul to celebrate her friends.. I don’t know why broiler fc are convulsing on this post 🥴


@itrend wrote;

Dom perignon and azul which is more expensive? 😒🤔 This babe buys “dom” like she owns the company yet people are so interested in “azul”.

Leemao. Please she’s the DOM queen ✌🏾azul is for new arrivals..


@lawal wrote;

What’s the desperation to show azul. The azul ship has long sailed. It’s stale now Na catch up she dey do


@pherry wrote;

Na kess buy the azul go and check well


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