
“I am beautiful, I know it and I own it”- Dorathy Says



Bbnaija season 5 1st runner up, Dorathy Ndidiamaka Bachor, had an interactive session with her fans on Twitter where she revealed certain facts about herself.



Dorathy was asked by a fan, her reasons for being confident.


The fan wrote:

“Have you always been this confident about your looks or you’ve had your ups and downs?”


Dora replied:

“I am beautiful, I know it and I own it.”




Read few other questions and answers below:


“Also. I feel you should know this, you’re a source of inspiration and a role model to millions of girls out there, I inclusive. I admire your person. Please Dora, don’t stop being you…… Much love boo”


Dora replied:

“Not in this life, thank you so much”


Q: “What was your mom’s reaction when she saw you right after you came back from the house? FYI I love Mama Bachor


A: “Aww thanks my baby.
Never seen her so happy my entire life, it was beautiful.”

Q: “love you so much Doradxplorer..ooh forgot. what’s your biggest fantasy?

A: “Dangote bank account”

Q: “Dear DORATHY, my question is, can peer pressure or fear of the unknown change your personality?? ( Standing for/saying the truth) ?? Or will anything actually influence your stands on a particular issue ??”


A: “Sometimes that gets to me but then I remember that everybody has got their own destiny”



Q: “How was your daddy like

A: “He’s Got a heart of Gold, got it from my papa



Q: “Will you count your entrepreneurship or u will like to seek for a job with your accounting background”

A: “Owing chains of businesses is the dream my darling.”



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