
“From now on, I will wash only plates used by me” – Frustrated last born cries out, prints out notice



A frustrated last born has printed out a list of house chores she will be doing henceforth. Her elder sister, Mirabel shared it online.


Emmanuella who is the last born of the family, was frustrated over her daily house duties and so she printed a list for her family, where she stated clearly the new roles she will play in the house, and the ones she has chosen to neglect.


According to Emmanuella, being the last born should not be a curse and as such, she should not be forced to do things for family members who can actually carry out the tasks themselves.


“My chores in this house are becoming too much. It is not a curse to be the last born. Simple task like plugging in torch you use everyday, you don’t do”, she wrote.

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