
“A Man Can Love A Woman To Hell, But His Preeq Will Decide To Do Something Else Because Men Are Wired Like That” — Singer 2Face Says (VIDEO)



Popular Nigerian singer, Innocent Idibia better known as 2face or 2baba has spoken on why men cheat in relationship and marriage.

He made this known in a recent interview him and his wife, Annie Idibia had.



According to 2face, a man can love a woman to hell, but his dick will decide to do something else because men are wired like that.


Watch the video below:

In other news, Popular Instagram blogger, Tunde Ednut has praised Chef Hilda Baci, for are super cooking achievement within Five days. Recall that the chef cooked for over 100 hours, thereby breaking a new world record. Hilda’s Instagram page grew from 50k to 1.2M in days.

Tunde Ednut took to his Instagram page to praise her, and also noted that she is a winner and more relevant than the Big Brother Show and their winners in the past two seasons.


See a screenshot of his post below:

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