
“Everyone Will Finally Adjust And Be Okay “- Reactions As May Edochie And Judy Austin Celebrates Their Father- In- Law, Pete Edochie On His 76th Birthday



May Edochie and Judy Austin, the wives to popular filmmaker , Yul Edochie have taken to their respective Instagram pages to celebrate their father- in law , Pete Edochie as he celebrates 76th birthday today.

On her Instagram page , Judy Austin described her father- in- law as a legend with a heart of gold and she prayed that may God continue to keep him and bless him.

She wrote;

Happy blessed birthday to a legend @peteedochie”.

“The Lion of Africa”.

“A legend with a heart of gold”.

“May God almighty continue to bless and keep you for us Amen”.

“Keep shinning for us daddy”.

“We love you”.


Celebrating her father- in- law on her Instagram page, May Edochie  wrote;

“Today we thank God for 76 years of existence, 76 years of good health, 76 years of strength, 76 years of greatness and 76years of God’s grace”.

“As a tree grows older, the limbs and branches spread out in all directions. Like a tree, every year you live means there are more and more people whose lives you’ve touched”.

“Happy glorious birthday to a legendary father and grand father @peteedochie “.

“May the good Lord continue to bless and keep you strong and healthy through Christ our Lord 🙏”.

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